When Galileo invented his telescope, he revealed a whole new world which had been hidden for centuries. Stars and constellations came into view. He also brought understanding to systems and processes which had been equally misunderstood.
In our global community, resources for organizational growth are often hidden from view unless you have the right view-finders. At GPE3, we encourage you in your quest to fund your God-given dreams for philanthropic outreach through strategic multi-sector collaborations. Revealing hidden sources of organizational funding is our business.
Through the GPE3 Project PHILEO
community of faith-based enterprise
leaders, your organization will have
the encouragement and hope that
GPE3 inspired networking provides,
as well as, some unique online tools
to help you create strategic multi-
sector collaborations.
"Through Project PHILEO, I hope to connect enterprising individuals with the resources to realize their heart -felt desires for social good."
- Sharon Forrest, Founder, GPE3